NatCDC Information Page

In looking at the methods and tools available to properly handle an ADABAS Protection Log (PLOG), one fact should be known from the outset:

  • A Software AG customer who has ADABAS and who also has Natural already has the tools needed to successfully handle all required PLOG processing.

That’s the plain truth:  A Software AG customer does not really need to buy anything to handle PLOG data, simply because ADABAS delivers the utilities required to initially process a PLOG, and Natural provides the capability to properly handle the utility’s output.

The only “problems” in using a Natural and ADABAS utility approach to PLOG processing boils down to two points: 

  • Dependency On Expertise and
  • Time

The solution to both of these problems is simple:  Intelligent Generation

In 1999 NatWorks developed an intelligent PLOG process generator and we called this product NatCDC.  Further refinements have led to NatCDCSP, our Single Pass processing engine.  With NatCDC and NatCDCSP, the Dependency On Expertise for PLOG processing is reduced to having a knowledgeable person supply information to NatQuery / NatCDC just once at configuration time.  With this specific knowledge captured, the Time required to generate complete, ready-to-execute, custom PLOG processes is reduced to seconds or minutes instead of hours or days.

NatCDC is an application that addresses Data Warehouse Change Data Capture and PLOG auditing in a single toolset.  Where NatCDCSP differs from NatCDC is in its ability to process multiple Files in a Single Pass as opposed to processing one File at a time.  NatWorks is proud to offer NatCDC and NatCDCSP as the “pipeline” between the ADABAS PLOG and where you need your data today.

NatCDC / NatCDCSP can be purchased as either a stand-alone product or as an add-on product to NatQuery for a complete ADABAS data extraction system.

The following links provide additional information on NatCDC & NatCDCSP:

  • NatCDC versus NatCDCSP (Adobe Acrobat PDF format**)
  • NatCDC Abstract (Adobe Acrobat PDF format**)
    This PDF document provides General Information on NatQuery & NatCDCSP that covers Features, Basic Architecture, Integration and Prerequisites.
  • NatCDC / NatCDCSP Basic Fact Sheet (Adobe Acrobat PDF format**)
    This PDF document is a single page fact sheet that provides a high-level marketing view of NatCDC.
  • F.A.Q. on Using NatCDCSP  (Adobe Acrobat PDF format**)
    Frequently asked questions regarding, “How to use  NatCDC or NatCDCSP”.
  • NatCDC Operation and Architecture
    This link provides information on the General Operation and Architecture of NatCDC and NatCDCSP PLOG processing, with a step-by-step graphical presentation and discussion of the steps involved.
  • PLOG Processing Performance
    This link provides execution statistics on NatCDCSP’s PLOG processing performance.
  • ADABAS PLOG Questions, Answers and Facts
    This link addresses various questions and misconceptions concerning ADABAS Protection Log processing and is designed to supply answers to these Questions.
    This link provides NatWorks’ perspective on a comparison of the ADABAS utility ADASEL versus ADACDC in handling the ADABAS Protection Log, along with NatWorks’ recommendation of which of these utilities is preferable.
  • Slide shows of interest
    This menu of PPT’s allows simple demonstration of several of the facets of NatQuery.  At this time NatWorks does not have any shows pertinent to NatCDC or NatCDCSP.  By its very nature the required processing for Change Data Capture takes place “behind the scenes” and is best represented using the link from NatCDC Operation and Architecture as listed above.

    Please be patient as your selected slide show may take a moment to load.

If you are interested in obtaining a Demonstration or Trial version of NatQuery / NatCDC /NatCDCSP, please use our Software Request Form.

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NatWorks makes use of Adobe Acrobat to create PDF files for flexible viewing on the internet.  If you do not have the Adobe Acrobat “reader” plug-in for your browser, you can obtain this free-of-charge from the Adobe Reader Web Site.