When considering the need to efficiently extract data from ADABAS, oftentimes a concern is raised about Natural’s ability to efficiently handle the large volumes of data that can reside in ADABAS. While this concern can legitimately be applied to poorly written Natural programs, the fact of the matter is that well-written and properly executed Natural programs, executed either stand-alone or in conjunction with existing ADABAS utilities, can deliver outstanding performance, like:
Processing 3,026,167 Records In Under 352 Seconds
The purpose of this page is to provide the execution times for 4 native methods of extracting data from ADABAS, and let facts speak for themselves. The methods used were:
Each of the above methods were executed to extract specific data fields from all records in the same ADABAS database with this ADABAS file containing 3,026,167 records. The results can be seen below (this is best viewed with your browser default set to Less Than “Largest”):
Method |
Execution Times |
Records Extracted per Second |
1. Natural (no use of Multi-Fetch) |
32:53 Minutes |
1,533.7 |
2. Natural (with use of Multi-Fetch) |
6:29 Minutes |
7,779.3 |
3. ADACMP / Natural |
5:51 Minutes 2:36 - ADACMP Jobstep |
8,621.5 |
4. ADACMP / ADAULD / Natural |
6:29 Minutes 2:07 - ADAULD Jobstep |
7,779.3 |
As can be seen in the results above, the intelligent use of Natural can deliver exceptional performance, either by itself (Method #2) or when intelligently used with existing ADABAS utilities (Method #3 & Method #4.)
Notes on Tests: